Supporting the wellbeing of our Children & Young People

This site has been developed to support children & young people, families and professionals working with them to access the right information at the right time to support wellbeing for all.

Parent/Carer/Family member? This area is for you.

Child or Young Person? Find out more here.

Working with Children, Young People and Families? Click here.

The World Health Organisation defines Mental Health as:
'Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.'

They also cite the following key facts:

  • Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders.

  • Mental health is an integral part of health; indeed, there is no health without mental health.

  • Mental health is determined by a range of socioeconomic, biological and environmental factors.

  • Cost-effective public health and intersectoral strategies and interventions exist to promote, protect and restore mental health.

We hope that using this site will support you to access the help you need, whether that be help to help yourself, or whether it is how to access further support so that you are able to thrive.

We all have Mental Health...

The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families have developed a wide range of videos, training and resources to support the wellbeing of children and young people. From the early years through to school and college.

They have sections for Professionals, Parents & Carers and Young People.

This video is aimed at secondary school pupils, and helps us to think about self care for our mental health and asking for support when it is needed. It is part of a schools toolkit developed with Young People, Teachers and Mental Health Professionals.

We are collectively working towards developing our Whole School Approach to MHWB. We want the voice of children and young people to really be at the heart of the decisions we make about wellbeing in our Schools and Early Years Settings.

We have been working with Children and Young People across Highland to develop a wellbeing self-evaluation tool for schools. If you are a practitioner in a school and you would like to engage with this area of work find out more here.

Kooth Age Range Template - Features ePoster.hi (1).pdf

Kooth have recently been commissioned by NHS Highland as an integral component of Highland’s mental health provision offering a digital counselling and emotional well-being service for young people.

This service will complement the existing Schools Counselling Service and is available 7 days a week, 365 days a year. For more information relevant to you visit the following pages which have further information about the support that Kooth provides: